One Winter Week

Author: Dan Skendzel

This video is dedicated to the outstanding Notre Dame Studios team who operate the Rex and Alice A. Martin Media Center. They schedule space, equipment and staff for video production, set-up, execute and strike production events, distribute content around the world and organize video storage to make it easy to find and re-use. They are a high performing team!  

One Winter Week

September 19, 2019

The Rex and Alice A. Martin Media has transformed Notre Dame's ability to tell stories, teach and pray through multimedia. This wonderful facility has become a hub for audiovisual production across campus. It is home to Notre Dame Studios, Fighting Irish Media, Marketing Communications, Grotto Network and regularly a hive of activity from other campus units such as ND Learning and the Department of Film, Television & Theatre.  

In light of the Martin Media Center serving all of Notre Dame, one of the key design criteria for the facility was flexibility for numerous content use cases. With over 1,500 events produced in academic year 2018/19 that design requirement has been tested and verified. But what does it look like when the center is buzzing with activity?  

This past winter, Ted Mandell, Associate Professional Specialist, Department of Film, Television and Theatre, captured a week in the life the Martin Media Center. Watch the video to see behind the scenes footage of Fighting Irish Media producing Irish hockey, basketball and football social media, MarComm producing Fr. Jenkins video Christmas greeting, Grotto Network producing life tips for young Catholic adults and Notre Dame Studios teaming with the NHL to produce the Winter Classic video board show.   

It's a lot of production occurring at about the same time.....but it's not an a-typical week in the life of this state-of-the-art media facility.